Full List of IRCTC Booking Special 200 Trains
Full List of IRCTC Booking Special 200 Trains: The railway is running 200 trains daily from 1 June. The process of seat booking in these trains will start from today. The list of trains has also been released.
After two months of lockdown, some special trains are being run by Indian Railways. Bookings for these trains are starting from today itself. You can reserve your seat in these trains from today itself.
On Tuesday evening, the Railways had given information about running these trains from June 1 by tweeting. Railways had tweeted and said that in addition to labor special trains, Indian Railways is going to run 200 additional time table trains daily from 1 June. These will be non-air conditioned second class trains. Booking of these trains will be available online only.
Booking of tickets for these 200 non-AC trains can only be done online. For booking, visit the IRCTC website www.irctc.co.in or the mobile app IRCTC Rail Connect.
According to the Indian Railways, all passengers will be screened before the train journey. No one will be able to travel without screening. According to the railway, apart from these 200 trains, the special trains that are running will continue to run. With this, according to the railways, if there are signs of corona, then the train will not be allowed to travel. Blankets will not be given in the train. People have to arrive at the station 90 minutes before. It will be mandatory to download the Arogya Setu app. Mask sounds will be mandatory. Without this, you will not get admission in the station. Also, you will now be able to buy food items at the stations again.
You Can Check Full List of IRCTC Booking Special 200 Trains below:
Check Full List of IRCTC 200 Trains
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