Windows 11 launch and its Features

Windows 11 launch

Windows 11 launch and its Features (Windows 11 launch) The wait of the users who have been waiting for Windows 11 for a long time is over. Microsoft officially announced on Tuesday, 5 October 2021, that Windows 11 has been released. Now you too can enjoy it by downloading it step by step as soon … Read more

What is SQL DELETE Statement

 SQL DELETE Statement

 SQL DELETE Statement Introduction: In this tutorial we know about the SQL DELETE statement, first talking on delete query, must read Introduction to SQL For Beginners and also know what is SQL Syntax. Also know about the SELECT Statement.  We learnt Select, Insert, Update statement till now, now the time to learn DELETE query in … Read more

How to use SQL UPDATE Statement

 SQL UPDATE Statement

SQL UPDATE Statement Introduction: In this tutorial we know about the SQL UPDATE statement, first talking on update query, must read Introduction to SQL For Beginners and also know what is SQL Syntax. Also know about the SELECT Statement. As we know INSERT INTO statement for insert records or save data in database. After save … Read more

How to use SQL INSERT INTO Statement


 SQL INSERT INTO Statement Introduction: In this tutorial we know about the SQL INSERT INTO statement, first talking on Insert Into query, must read Introduction to SQL For Beginners and also know what is SQL Syntax. Also know about the SELECT Statement. With SELECT statement get all records from tables but when we want distinct … Read more